
History Leader – Mrs.Sally Ottley 

At St Peter’s Catholic First School we believe History is an essential subject to help children appreciate how the modern world has been shaped through events in the past. Children are encouraged to learn about historical events and periods and how these have shaped the world today.  

As a Catholic school, the teachings of the gospels are at the heart of everything we do. This leads our history curriculum to be rooted in love for one another and teach our children about how the past shapes who they are today. 


Through the teaching of History, we aim to: 

  • Stimulate curiosity about the past  
  • Develop an understanding of chronological order 
  • Use a variety of Historical vocabulary
  • Develop research skills needed to access relevant information 
  • Increase knowledge and understanding of the history of Britain, Europe and the world 
  • Help pupils develop a sense of identity through studying the history of their locality 
  • Give opportunities to convey understanding / interpretation of past events in a variety of ways 
  • Provide situations which foster independent / co-operative activities 
  • Develop independent research skills through enquiry-based learning. 


History teaching at St.Peter's gives opportunities to; 

  • Stimulate curiosity about the past  

  • Develop an understanding chronological order  

  • Use a variety of Historical vocabulary 

  • Develop research skills needed to access relevant information 

  • Increase knowledge and understanding of the history of Britain, Europe and the world 

  • Help pupils develop a sense of identity through studying the history of their locality 

  • Give opportunities to convey understanding / interpretation of past events in a variety of ways 

  • Provide situations which foster independent / co-operative activities 

  • Develop independent research skills through enquiry-based learning. 


Where possible, we have adopted a thematic History curriculum approach to ensure coverage of knowledge and progression in skills and concepts.

In EYFS and KS1, children will focus on the world around them and their living memory of History before moving to events that go beyond living history. This will ensure a firm foundation for lower KS2 History.

The History curriculum is structured in a way that allows for pupils to develop a sense chronology, and to make links between current and previous learning. This allows pupils to build an image of History over time and to use their knowledge of previous periods, events and people to better understand current learning.

There is strong emphasis on oracy skills throughout all lessons. 


  • Children are engaged, curious and resilient in History lessons and relish the challenge and opportunities for fun that the subject offers.
  • Children are encouraged to be critical and analytical in their thinking, making informed and balanced judgements based on their knowledge of the past.
  • Children are aware of how historical events have shaped the world today, including History at the local and personal level.
  • Children develop enquiry skills to pursue and investigate their own interests within a topic.
  • Children retain learning and explicitly make connections between what they have previously learned and what they are currently learning.
  • Children are able to articulate what they have learned in History and can describe significant periods, events and people from the past.
  • Children remember more, know more and can do more.


How to Help Your Child at Home

From Year One upwards, you will receive a Knowledge Organiser for each History topic your child is taught. This shows the key content that your child will be taught and is a good starting point for conversations about what your child is learning. Please remember that these are given out at the start of the unit and your child will learn progressively across the term. Encourage your child to tell you about what they are currently learning using this as a prompt. Can they talk you through any of the information and diagrams? Can they define or use any of the key vocabulary? Looking back at previous Knowledge Organisers is also really useful to recap previous learning to help embed knowledge over time.


BBC BitesizeKS1 History

KS2 History